PublicationsPeer Reviewed Journal Articles
Sunday, O. J., Adesope, O., & Maarhuis, P. (2021, August–December). The Effects of Smartphone Addiction on Learning: A Meta-Analysis. Computers in Human Behavior Reports. Caffrey, K., Wright, B., & Maarhuis, P. (2018, February). Harm reduction for cannabis: Factor analysis of protective behavioral strategies. Journal of American College Health. Fanale, C., Maarhuis, P., Wright, B., & Caffrey, K. (2017, January). The effect of attitudinal barriers to mental health treatment on cannabis use and mediation through coping motives. Addictive Behaviors Journal. Books Maarhuis, P., & Rud, A. G. (2020). Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Doing Arts Thinking Series, Volume: 8. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill-Sense. 2021 Honorable Mentioned in the Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award Sameshima P., Maarhuis, P., & Wiebe, S. (2018). Parallaxic praxis: Multimodal interdisciplinary pedagogical research design. Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press. 2020 winner of the Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award Book Chapters Maarhuis, P. & Rud, A. G. (2018). Aftermath of school shootings: A model for relational aesthetic response, reconstruction, and associated living. In H. Shapiro (Ed.), Handbook and violence in education: Forms, factors, and preventions. Hoboken, N. J: Wiley Blackwell. Maarhuis, P., & Rud, A. G. (2017). Dewey, school violence, and aesthetic response. In L.N. Hersey (Ed.), Handbook of research on the facilitation of civic engagement through community art (pp. 237-266). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Maarhuis, P., & Sameshima, P. (2015, Nov). Materializing the punctum: A poetic study of the Washington State University Clothesline Project. In K. Galvin & M. Prendergast (Eds.), Poetic inquiry II: Seeing, understanding and caring (pp. 279-302). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense. Book Reviews Maarhuis, P. (2011, January 14). Review of Curriculum studies handbook by Erik Malewski (Ed.) Education Review, 13. National Education Policy Center. ISSN 1094-5296. Reports and Evaluation Briefs Maarhuis, P., Adams, P., & Wallis, J. (July, 2021). 2020―2021 Annual Report: State of Washington Collegiate Recovery Support Initiative. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. Maarhuis, P., Ferreira, K., Cleveland, M., Battis, J., Harper, K., Karimova, K., Kasmally, A., & Wallis, J. (2021). Reshaping the conversation: Collegiate recovery supports and services in the State of Washington. Evaluation Report of the 2020-2021 State of Washington Collegiate Recovery Support Initiative. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. Maarhuis, P. (2003-2020). WSU Drug Free Schools Act (DFSA) dissemination requirements. Washington State University, Health and Wellness Services. Sunday, O., & Maarhuis, P. (2019). National College Health Assessment II International Student Report. Pullman WA: Cougar Health Services, Health Promotion Department, Washington State University. Emeka, C., Sunday, O., Maarhuis, P. (2018). Washington State University Policy report: A review of alcohol service at football stadiums. Pullman, WA: Health & Wellness Services, Health Promotion Department, Washington State University. Maarhuis, P. (2003-2017). Alcohol and Drug Counseling, Assessment, and Prevention Services (ADCAPS) annual report. U. S. Drug Free Schools Act compliance. Washington State University, Counseling and Psychological Services. Sage, R., Tekle, S., Shrestha, G., Jeffords, J., Maarhuis, P., Turnbull, M.C, & Hill, L.G. (2013).Project Healthy Campus: Booze, Sex & Reality Checks Outcome Report. Maarhuis P. (2013). Report on NIAAA 3-in-1 framework of evidenced based strategies. Submitted to the WSU Presidential Task Force on Alcohol Abuse. Washington State University, Health & Wellness Services. Maarhuis, P. (September 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009). Sexual misconduct prevention and response task force annual report. Washington State University, Counseling and Psychological Services. Maarhuis, P., Nichols, C., & Voss, E. (2006, 2007). Service provision for sexual decision Making and sexual assault prevention. Washington State University, Student Affairs Division. Maarhuis, P. (2002, May). Performance domain and preparedness of first-year administrators in the principal’s certificate program: Graduates of the 2000 cohort. Program quality assurance report on the training/education of principals in secondary education in Washington State. Professional Education Association Board (PEAB). Western Washington University, Woodring College of Education, Education Administration Department. |