Coordination: Conference, Presentations, & Workshops
2020-2021 Oversee the development, state and national marketing, and implementation of the Washington State Collegiate
Recovery Conference with WSU and sub-contractor team. Conference included national experts and local presenters from
a variety of agencies and institutions of higher education (IHEs)
2020-2021 Oversee the development, state and national marketing, and implementation of a Washington State-wide Virtual Learning
Community sessions (VLCS) with WSU and sub-contractor team: Six (6) plenary/webinar sessions with national experts
and local presenters from a variety of agencies and institutions of higher education (IHEs) and six (6) VLCs for 4 IHE seed
grant recipients specifically designed for collegiate recovery support service action plan implementation on their respective
2017 Co-coordinated conference program: Paper presentations, workshops, posters, and panels. Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference. Airway Heights, WA.
2012-2015 Faculty training. Annual training on drug trends and enforcement. WSU Counseling and Psychological Services. Presenter: Officer S. Patrick, Pullman Police Department. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
2011 Co-Coordinated Faculty Training. BASICS & Harm reduction techniques. WSU Counseling and Psychological Services, University of Idaho Counseling Services, and the Idaho Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention. Presenter: Jason Kilmer, PhD. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
2006-2009 Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response Task Force annual retreat & training. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
2008 Co-Coordinated community-wide and televised forum: Sexual assault open forum. City Hall, Pullman, WA.
2006 Community-wide, 3-day education series: Sexual assault perpetration on campus: Predator profiles, neurobiology of trauma, program/policy administration. D. Lisak, PhD, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
2006 Lecture on spirituality. Buddhist perspectives on the mind and psychology – Coping with Difficult Emotions. Tibetan Lama, Zasep Rinpoche. Washington State University.
2020-2021 Oversee the development, state and national marketing, and implementation of the Washington State Collegiate
Recovery Conference with WSU and sub-contractor team. Conference included national experts and local presenters from
a variety of agencies and institutions of higher education (IHEs)
2020-2021 Oversee the development, state and national marketing, and implementation of a Washington State-wide Virtual Learning
Community sessions (VLCS) with WSU and sub-contractor team: Six (6) plenary/webinar sessions with national experts
and local presenters from a variety of agencies and institutions of higher education (IHEs) and six (6) VLCs for 4 IHE seed
grant recipients specifically designed for collegiate recovery support service action plan implementation on their respective
2017 Co-coordinated conference program: Paper presentations, workshops, posters, and panels. Globalization, Diversity, and Education Conference. Airway Heights, WA.
2012-2015 Faculty training. Annual training on drug trends and enforcement. WSU Counseling and Psychological Services. Presenter: Officer S. Patrick, Pullman Police Department. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
2011 Co-Coordinated Faculty Training. BASICS & Harm reduction techniques. WSU Counseling and Psychological Services, University of Idaho Counseling Services, and the Idaho Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention. Presenter: Jason Kilmer, PhD. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
2006-2009 Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Response Task Force annual retreat & training. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
2008 Co-Coordinated community-wide and televised forum: Sexual assault open forum. City Hall, Pullman, WA.
2006 Community-wide, 3-day education series: Sexual assault perpetration on campus: Predator profiles, neurobiology of trauma, program/policy administration. D. Lisak, PhD, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
2006 Lecture on spirituality. Buddhist perspectives on the mind and psychology – Coping with Difficult Emotions. Tibetan Lama, Zasep Rinpoche. Washington State University.