In the news...
Nakata, S. (2021, February 12). Grant focuses on helping students in recovery. WSU Insider. Washington State University.
Chapman, C. B. (Interviewer) (2016, April 11). Responding to school shootings: Interview with Patricia Maarhuis [Audio podcast]. 2016 Washington State University Academic Showcase. Retrieved from
WSU Museum of Art (Facebook posting) (2015, October 29). P. Maarhuis: Arts-informed research dissertation exhibition–Gallery 3. Retrieved from
Women & meth in the news (n.d.) September 2015 culminating exhibition. Listing of 6 articles and videos. Retrieved from
Steger, S. (2014, March 7). Sex under the influence. Daily Evergreen. Retrieved from
Brock, W. (Columnist) (2014, February, 6). HIS VIEW: Yo! Jocks and frat boys, eyes here. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
Metsker, M. (2013, April 24). New WSU class reduces risky behavior in students. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
Maarhuis, P. (Guest Commentary) (2013, March 28). Booze, Sex and Reality Checks pays off: Evidence proves the program’s non-judgmental approach promotes campus safety. Daily Evergreen. Retrieved from
Sudermann, H. (2013, Fall). Booze, sex, and reality check. Washington State Magazine. Retrieved from . Video at
Sigfussion, L., & Groves, P. (2013, December 14). Drug Molly has colleges weighing best counseling approach. Spokesman Review. Retrieved from
Groves, P. (2012, November 14). Alcohol culture deadly on campus. Daily Evergreen. Retrieved from
Ganje, J. (2012, September 7). Binge drinking for popularity. Daily Evergreen. Retrieved from
WSU takes steps to combat drug use and sexual abuse. (2012, June 20). Spokesman Review. Retrieved from
Roenigk, K. (2012, June 19). WSU combats rise in substance, sex abuse. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
Associated Press. (2012, June 19). WSU combats rise in drug, sex abuse. Spokesman Review. Retrieved from
WSU combats rise in drug, sex abuse. (2012, June 18). KIMA TV. Retrieved from:
Schendel, S. (2011, October 25). Falls fail to stop WSU drinking: Hospital officials see higher levels of intoxication in past five years. Spokesman Review. Retrieved from
Eckardt, J. (2011, October 13). Time to get some sleep. Daily Evergreen. Retrieved from
Eckardt, J. (2011, November 3). ER staff knows how to save a life. Daily Evergreen. Retrieved from
Eckardt, J. (Columnist) (2011, September 29). Columnist dispels alcohol misconceptions. Daily Evergreen. Retrieved from
Mason, S. (2010, October 21). Speakers take on liquor, taxes and super majority vote: Second forum on Washington initiatives hosted in Pullman. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
Minderhout, C. (2010, November 17). Non-alcohol energy drinks questioned. Food Safety News. Retrieved from
Editorial: Prescribed drugs should be better monitored. (2009, November 18). Spokesman Review. Retrieved from
Jones, T., Berger, K., Schwappach, A. (2009, November 15). College students’cheap fix. Spokesman Review. Retrieved from
Mason, S. (2009, November 2). Caffeinated cocktails: A scary mix. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
Hamm, H. (2008, February 5). Pullman forum to tackle issue of sexual assault. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
WSU News. (2008, January 18). Sexual Assault forum to be held. Retrieved from
Hamm, H. (2007, September 7). City of Pullman cracking down on 'nuisance' parties. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
Seattle Times staff. (2006, January 13). Pullman police: Party hearty, but quietly, too. Seattle Times. Retrieved from
Tinney, H. (2005, Fall). More thinking, less drinking. Washington State Magazine. Retrieved from
Tinney, H. (2005, Fall). Our drink. Washington State Magazine. Retrieved from
Gannon, A. (2003, November 1). WSU introduces Club 21 to promote safe, clean fun. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
Marose, R. (2003, September 18). College Hill Association says it's not through yet; Criticism of commercial landlords grows in Pullman. Moscow-Pullman Daily News. Retrieved from
Auf der suche nach Strukturen von Gewalttaten au Frauen! (2001, November 25). In-Villach, Chronik. Villach, Austria
Gewalt im Kreativkleid. (2001, November 27). Kleine Zeitung. Villach, Austria.
Einhauer, B. (2001, November, 29). Den Opfern Stimme geben. Villach Kultur. Villach, Austria.
Oblasser, C. (2001, May 4). Das werk ist vollbracht: Die alte Tammerburg lebt wieder. Kleine Zeitung. Lienz, Austria.
Oblasser, C. (2001, April 26). Kunst und Kulture erobern die Burg. Kleine Zeitung. Lienz, Austria.
Ein kulture und bildungszentrum fur die Region. (2001, April 26). Osttiroler Bote, Lienz, Austria.
Geshicten in Ton (Trans: Covered in Clay). (2000, July/August). The Villacher. Villach, Austria.
Stank, F. (2000, June 30). Vom Witz eingewickelt. . . . Neue Kronen Zeitung. Karten and Osttirol, Austria.
Villach im zeichen der keramik. (2000, June). Die Brucke. Karnten, Villach, Austria.
Aktzeichnen, topfern und schmuchkreation. (2000, April 26). Tiroler Tageszeitung. Lienze, Austria.
Hatz, G. (1999, November 6). Kunstvoller Fang im Rahmen. Kleine Zeitung. Lienz, Austria.
Einen dicken fisch an land gezogen. . . . (1999, December). Die Harpfe. Nussdorf/Debant, Austria.